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May 10th, Tuesday

May 10, 2011
A very "normal", but of course enjoyable Tuesday is nearing its' end - I was glad to see "my" Tuesday girls all cheerful and in high spirits - thanks for being here Shelby, May, Alicia and Alexandria!
Alicia's request today was for everybody to try not to talk about a Golden Week spent with grandchildren, for fear the whole Cafe time would be dedicated to the little brats! We all tried hard to keep it under control!

Alicia herself visited the Himeji Safari Park & the Himeji Zoo (pssst.....with her grandchildren!), and naturally had a good time with her family. Although she mentioned having visited the Safari Park already four times!

Mya enjoyed a long day trip by car with her friends first to the town of Sayo, later to Hiruzen and Raddish Island in Shimane. They could see the beautiful Daisen still covered with snow, but their main purpose was to enjoy flowers, for example the Shakunage flower (rhododendron)

Shelby also had all her family in her not-too-big new house, but compared to last year was not so tired as her daughters in law helped a lot with cooking etc.

Alexandria climbed up the Nunobiki Herb Garden by the rope way with the new gondolas with her family, and yes, you've guessed it, including grandchildren! She had a good time, and the family was lucky to just squeeze in before the busy lunch time of the restaurant kicked in!   

The other main topic of the day was green fingers, and everybody's gardens! Ladies just happen to enjoy flowers!

And some thoughts from Kimo:

And today's little unusual cake - Caramel Marble Cake (ONE piece each!)

There were some complaints that commenting doesn't work - it seems okay now! It's out of my control. Guess that's one of the main problems with "free stuff"!

See you all soon!

The "Master"

May 7th, Saturday

May 7, 2011
It felt a little strange for me the last Cafe was a Saturday, then came Golden Week, and now it's Saturday again! I wonder how my little "Tuesday Girls" & "Thursday Girls" are keeping.....

Today, we could welcome yet another new member to the Cafe, and, guess what? A MAN! Hurray! Yipeeh! Everybody, say hello to Valentino - Hello, hello, hello, hello etc!  
Abigail, Kelsey, Catherine and Monica enjoyed being asked several questions by Valentino, and of course were asking lot's of questions in re...
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April 30th, Saturday

April 30, 2011
I'm missing the "young Saturday girl" two weeks in a row - should I be worried? 
With me here today I had Catherine (no, NOT the just married one!), Alicia and Amy. Thanks to all the money and effort wasting events going on in England (sorry ladies, I just couldn't care less!), our chat topics could take a break from Tohoku, and concentrated on mentioned events. 
Alicia is busy at home since her daughter started regular employment (coming home at 11 every night!) - did she use her daughter that...
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April 28th, Thursday - The Day After.....

April 28, 2011
......after what? Oh yes, the day I joined the old people! Besides some personal, "material" Birthday gifts, I was presented with a big, happy crowd today, counting six cheerful noses: Shelby, Tiffany, Christina, Crystal, Emma and Kelly! 
Thanks so much for pouring in!
Basically everybody was very fine, but Shelby said she was a little tired as she had planted summer vegetables for two hours in the morning.
Christina surprisingly showed up - she was supposed to travel to Germany, but due to her ...

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April 26th, Tuesday

April 26, 2011
A beautiful spring day draws to an end - on this last day for me being 42, lot's of eager, internationally minded folks turned up to make it a fun Cafe hour:

 Monica - She went to Miki to join in a kind of "Karaoke Party" with about 20 other participants, enjoying really old Japanese songs, but also newer music from popular animation shows. First, we ALL thought she went there with her boyfriend!

 Kelly -
She's is getting over her pollen allergy little by little. When checking the timetable for...

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April 23rd, Saturday

April 23, 2011
On this rainy Saturday Laura, Christina & me (yes, you've heard right: ONLY TWO!) spent over 90% of the time laughing, discussing and talking about "funny English" to be found in Asian countries (including Japan!):

This is actually A4 size, please click to view a bigger zoomed version.

Laura also mentioned the sad death of former "Candies" singer  Yoshiko Tanaka after 16 years fighting breast cancer, and Christine brought up the matter of huge amounts of money found in the Tohoku area, wonderin...
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April 21, Thursday

April 21, 2011
It was a peaceful, quiet Thursday with Mya (the one with the haircut), and Kiara (the one without the haircut).
I didn't know she was, but apparently Mya is a football fan: She told us about having watched the last minutes of a live broadcast between Real Madrid and Barcelona, final match of the ????? tournament, early this morning . Real Madrid won, and Mya enjoyed the closing ceremony.
Kiara told us about two matters concerning privacy: The former school principal of the school her daughter h...
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April 19th, Tuesday

April 19, 2011
We got so carried away with discussing so many matters eagerly and excitedly, that it was close to impossible to take notes of who said what!
Taking part in today's "conference" were Heather, Emily, Kelly and Shelby. On the agenda was, after a short absence from the Cafe, the Tohoku earthquake, or rather about the present state of Japan as a whole. Heather believes Japan is finished, others obviously couldn't agree, or didn't want to. Emily's friend was going to buy some land for building a ne...
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April 16th, Saturday

April 16, 2011
Courtney, Lindsey, Mya and me enjoyed a great laugh when Courtney made a very harmless, small English mistake by calling the needle of a record player noodle!
From there, our imaginations went all over the place - how it would be if actual noodles would be used instead of needles when listening to records!
To make things easier to understand -  When wanting to talk about this:

 Courtney mistakenly mentioned this:

(This is a picture of her about to listen to a record)

Other, less amusing topics to...
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April 14th, Thursday

April 14, 2011
Another beautiful spring day has passed, so our study topic matched the season:

We worked with two versions today, so our four "contestants", Emma, Kiara, Shelby and Alicia were trying hard to figure out these spring & easter riddles in two teams!

Another little time consuming thing we talked about was an article Emma brought in she found in a free magazine called Kansai Scene. An article with the headline "A field guide to the foreigners of Kansai" lists about 12 different kinds of "Gaijin", a...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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