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April 12th, Tuesday

April 12, 2011
Okay, ladies, this will be a short one today - it's already ten to ten, I'm hungry & sleepy! 
Main topic for the day: How much, if at all, do the husbands help with the housework? Well, let's see...........

better half: He does a lot, even some of the meals! Good man! 

Catherine's better half: He didn't do anything until to the age of about 50. That's when their kids moved out and she realized that she in fact had done everything for her offspring, not for him! So, she promptly decided to ask him to help, which he happily accepted! Good man!
Isabella's better half: He didn't move anything, not even from left to right (or vice versa) until she fell sick - now he does everything in the house! Good man! What do we learn from this? If your husband is a lazy one, get sick! 
Katie's better half: Didn't do anything, ever! He always used to say that should he outlive her, he would be able to do everything by himself...........unfortunately, we will never know if that's true - he already "crossed the river"! Good man?

I am, of course, a good man, as I do a lot of our housework!

Another thing worse mentioning is Isabella's "quiz": How much, do we think, was a trip to Korea during Golden Week, flying economy class, staying at a 5-Star hotel, sightseeing and meals included, for 2 nights/3 days? The way she put it made all of us think it must be an unbelievably cheap "campaign tour" or something, so we threw in numbers like ¥19800, ¥50.000, ¥9800 etc, until Isabella lost patience asking WHY we all imagined it being so cheap. Finally, she gave us the answer: ¥ 285000! To Korea! Crazy! I would go to Europe for that kind of money!

Today's spring quotes:

(The goldfish is doing Spring Cleaning)

And our Apple Muffin:


 Gotta go - Good Night!

The "Master"

April 9th, Saturday

April 9, 2011
On this nice, pleasant, warm spring Saturday four noses showed up: Cassandra, Kelly, Erica and Crystal. Let's start off with Cassandra, as she had really good news: Her son in law could finally receive his working permit for Australia! What a relief for the whole family, and not to mention, Grandma! A long, enjoyable year of "プー" draws to an end........
Cassandra also had a good time with her family in Japan on a day trip to Awaji, where they enjoyed a ride on the big ferries wheel at the ...
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April 7th, Thursday

April 7, 2011
How refreshing - another New Face! Welcome to the "club", Emma! I really hope you'll have a great time with us, I'm sure we will with you! 
Emma is living proof that one cannot judge the age of a person by the age of their children!! But you'll see what I mean when you all meet "Emma" for the first time!
Brooklyn's new school year of her course in Buddhism has just started in April, like all other schools, and Isabella and her got quite excited about Temple and priest's names! Emma & me were a ...
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April 5th, Tuesday

April 5, 2011
Abigail still had stiff shoulders, and she went to see a movie of such low quality that she knew how it would end after just 30 minutes! It's called "Tourist", an even though two really popular actors are starring, apparently it's a lousy picture! Watch out, movie lovers!
Briana went for lunch to a usually packed restaurant and was surprised to find the place half empty. She believed it was because of self restraint - people don't feel right having fun while life in the Tohoku area is still ve...
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April 2nd, Saturday

April 2, 2011
Today's topics: YAMADA STORE (???) - apparently a Supermarket every housewife knows, separation of garbage, also bulk garbage where I learned that in Harima / Kakogawa it's still okay to bring it to the general collection point, various parcel services and the possible delays to the earthquake affected areas, the nuclear threat, time spent at universities, and April fool:

So, how did we come up with today's topics? 
Monica told us she was exhausted from buying & sending water to her daughter in...
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Special Bulletin - April 2nd, Saturday

April 2, 2011
As it's not possible to notice when some eager "Cafe Girl" leaves a comment, very nice ones sometimes go unnoticed, so to speak. 32co did excellent homework, and I don't want to withhold it, so I allow myself some copy & paste here, enjoy:


I've done my homework. And, I was wondering why only the King of hearts has no moustache. Here are two answers I found.

1. When the craftsman carved the King of hearts' wood block(for printng), he carved the part of moustache by mistake.

2. The Qu...

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March 31st, Thursday

March 31, 2011
This last day of March brought back Elisabeth, a "member" from about 3 years ago, and with her Brooklyn, a brand spanking new first-timer who speaks English very well! Welcome, Brooklyn! 
I hope you will have many nice hours with our "crazy bunch" in the future - please also check out our Tuesday and Saturday faces! 
So, what did we talk about? Brooklyn told us how she had enjoyed watching the movie "Rapunzel", Elisabeth shared secret information about Broookyn, Shelby found a perfect, hitting ...
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March 29th, Tuesday

March 29, 2011
Wheeeeeeere are youuuuuu? "Ms. Tuesday", "The Boss", the "Italian"?? We were so worried........really?
Brittney, Cassandra and Emma shared the Cafe space with me on this sunny but still a little chilly Tuesday. We managed quite well to avoid the subject of the earthquake: Brittney was suffering from stiff shoulders from moving house. She said she is living in a two-storey house for the first time - always running up & down the stairs fetching things! She calls it "useless movement", I call it ...
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March 26th, Saturday

March 26, 2011

Has anybody seen "Ms. Kasai"? She didn't show up today - Christina, Michaela, Sabrina and of course me, the "Master" were dead worried..........Ok, just kidding, she is suffering from pollen allergy, hay fever, hangover......
All of us here today were affected a little by these "season's blessings" - those little, almost invisible naughty pollen flying around with the aim to become new trees, flowers and plants, but sometimes taking breaks in our no...
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March 24th, Thursday

March 24, 2011
Yes, this is more like it! After three weeks in a row "private lesson" for today's Erica, she was joined by Ashley & Mya.
This brings today's number of attendees to the amazing total of 3, three!! Feels much better, I can tell you that!

Although Ashley's "fresh" grandchild in Takatsuki is very cute, lovely and everything, she doesn't really feel like going there again too soon as the 7-year old grandson is full of energy, and very naughty. Also, he plays games going by HIS rules! And the 7-year...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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