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March 22nd, Tuesday

March 22, 2011
Hello, "groupies",
Did everybody have a pleasant, long weekend? Although I was working Saturday all day and Sunday morning, I could relax on Monday. I did miss the annual Motorcycle Show in Intex Osaka though, which was canceled due to the earthquake. Personally, I don't see the connection.......
It was a comparably quiet Tuesday, "only" Erica, Briana Isabella showed up. Briana showed up twice, at 1:30, and the second time at 1:45! She told us about how she had to choose a new system kitchen manufacturer, as her original pick's production is disrupted due to above mentioned matter. In relation to house remodeling & refurbishing, Isabella shared her story with us how she had experienced stress due to having asked her neighbour (a carpenter) to do the job for her. It turned out that his skill was extremely poor! 
Erica explained to us her suffering from red eyes (she said: Rabbit eyes, I said: Dracula eyes!), and sometimes running nose. We came to the conclusion she was suffering from pollen allergy! Poor girl!

Other things we talked about were toilets - two of us having two toilets, and two of us having one toilet in our houses.
Do we really need 2?  How about this one?

And today's "paper":

And the cake:

See you next week - one more Tuesday to go!

Thanks for having been here,

The "Master"

March 19th, Saturday- A "real" Afternoon Cafe!

March 19, 2011
It looks like everybody remembered our delayed starting time, except the people who DIDN'T show up......or DID you - at around 1:15?
Brooklyn, Catherine and Mikayla found their way here on this nicely warm Saturday afternoon. The list of "missing persons" for today consists of 1) Ms. Kasai  2) Ms. Young-Girl. We hope you are doing all right!

Catherine is suffering from hay fever. Apparently, the symptoms become more bearable in the afternoon, so she didn't seem to be too strongly affected, but ...
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March 17th, Thursday - SNOW!

March 17, 2011
Snow, that's what we call the white stuff falling from the sky when it's too cold up there to rain. Apparently, today happens to be one those days - it started to snow again! 

I didn't expect anyone today due to this unusual weather - snow in March in this area is extremely rare, but - there she was! My life saver! My loyal Ms. Thursday (no, no that one, the other one!) came in through that strange, brown door of mine!

Erica! Hey, how nice to see you (I naturally felt). 
And after talking a litt...

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March 15th, Tuesday

March 15, 2011
Today's crowd included happy, second-time grandmother Miya - CONGRATULATIONS for the new member of the family!
Sumire was born on the 27th of February -

Other members of the gang were Chelsea, whose son lives on the 24th floor of an apartment building in Nishinomiya which shook so strongly that her daughter-in-law wants to move, Alicia, whose daughter received an e-mail of concern from her friend in L.A (also an earthquake-prone area), Gracie, her two sons live in Tokyo, and Miranda with a daug...
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March 12th, Saturday

March 12, 2011
I had planned not to talk about the terrible earthquake too much as it's too sad and depressing, but I guess it couldn't be helped - it just happened to be top news - if we like it, or not. 
Monica has a sister living in Chiba with her family, and her husband's brother in Tokyo (or was it: Traveling to Tokyo a lot?),
and fortunately, everybody is all right, Elisabeth's nephew & niece also living in the capital are alive and kicking, too, so is my sister and her family(also residents of Togane-S...
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March 10th, Thursday

March 10, 2011
Another "cry cry day"? Well, close, very close! But today, Elisabeth saved my life, and prevented a "ぼうず" situation! Thanks a lot! 
We talked about so many things it's impossible to remember all, and then write about it, but a few topics were: Japanese education system, introduction of Kanji to Japan from China (and script in general), seals (no, not "stickers", and also not "あざらし!"), but "印鑑"and how foreigners these days can't get away with just a signature but are also requ...
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The "Final" (of the great San Francisco story)

March 8, 2011

We visited (an)other places China Town, Coit Tower, some churches, Union Sq., and some supermarkets& a big shopping center, etc.

Of course, we had some problems there as usual. San Francisco is well organized and planned with street names, however we were lost, and took a wrong bus or a train. We were stuck at the ticket gate. Luckily, every time someone helped us. The biggest problem was our hotel’s overbooking. Wow!! But, our room was upgraded for two nights. Our trouble turned out to be...

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March 8th, Tuesday

March 8, 2011
We were a nice group today, all ladies - Brittney, Courtney, Kelsey and Alexandria. We had various topics covered: Kelsey was a little tired from "home farming", and teaching her grandchild some skiing. Our hottest discussion was probably the one about tap water and mineral water. For some time now, it's trendy (or rather "normal") for the Japanese to pay money for mineral water, although Japanese tap water is perfectly save for consumption. It's one way to manipulate the public, and pull unn...
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March 5th, Saturday

March 5, 2011
Hey, huuuuuge crowd! (I'm sure you must have missed me...eh, I mean the Cafe, of course!), as we were closed last Saturday! 
Big bunch today: Heather, Mikayla, May, Brittney and Monica! 
We had various topics, starting with Heather being a little tired helping her sister with her recently started computer course,
Brittney telling us about a newspaper article she had read about bilingual people becoming senile or even getting Alzheimer much later than others as the brain is trained and stimulated...
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March 3rd, Thursday

March 3, 2011
Now, please nobody tell me that the snow has kept you away! I will not believe you (and besides, you can always come here by sledge!).

Originally, I had planned to continue with "Spring topics" for our study material, but I changed my mind, as this was the view out of my window when preparing for today's Cafe:

Outside, the winter had come back! So, my loyal guest, customer & student, 32co, and me worked through some things we can learn from snowmen:

Other things we chatted about was my skiing tr...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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