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March 1st., Tuesday

March 1, 2011
Let's see who showed up on this rainy first day of March......okay, one boy,and three girls: Valentino (from Italy), Brittney and Heather (from England), and Michaela (from Israel). 
Heather tried to remember both the name of the movie AND the actor in which, she believes, somebody screams in Japanese while escaping (saying: やばいよ〜) - but this is an American picture, so I believe it highly unlikely to be Japanese.....it might be a case of "空耳アワー", maybe something like this? Ha ha ha........

Brittney showed some deep thoughts concerning the two recent usages of our so-much-loved cell phones, one extremely praisable, the other one leaving lot's to wish for: In Christchurch a person buried under rubble of a collapsed building called for help, being saved in that way, in Japan young people are abusing the technology to cheat on their university entrance examinations! 

Michaela was a bit tired just having come back from a two-day skiing trip (actually, day two was rained out), but nevertheless she proudly reported on her grandchild's progress on the way of becoming a great skier! 

Good-looking Valentino didn't bring in a particular topic of his own, but he eagerly took part in the "discussions"!

Our tasty cookies, called "Butter Sabré" looked like this for a very short time, until they were all eaten!:

And our re-used text from last Thursday - the timing for this couldn't have been better, guys taking a test!:

 Well, crowd, don't let anything keep you away from here - no rain, no snow, no other English Cafes (!), not work, not school, no grandchildren - just come!

The "Master"

February 24th, Thursday

February 24, 2011
"Hello? Hello? Oh, hi Laura, thanks a lot for coming. Where are the others? You don't know? Maybe they are running late? 
Yes, but it's 14:45 already, I seriously doubt anybody else will show up today...." Let's ask them: "Hello, community, where are you?".....................

So, Laura enjoyed (I hope) a private Cafe Chat lesson today, and she told me about a lot of things: Most of the harvest in her vegetable garden being eaten away by crows, how she got rid of her 40-year old gas oven creati...
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February 22nd, Tuesday

February 22, 2011
Hello, crowd of 5 - four girls & one boy! 
The girls: Olivia, Amy, Alexandria and Mariah -
the boy: Ian.

Olivia had the great news of becoming a grandmother (again!) very soon! Congratulations!........Unfortunately, being a good granny, she'll be busy so we won't see her for about three weeks! An eternity! I'll miss you (really).
Amy brought in a newspaper article about barley cultivation in Inami-Cho. Apparently, it's the biggest barley field in West Japan. Barley becomes Mugi-Cha, beer (!!), an...
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February 19th, Saturday (Cry cry day)

February 19, 2011
Hey, the Cafe was open today! Where were you all? 
Thank you Ms. Kasai fo saving my life........
So, as you might expect, there's nothing to report today, as we mainly talked about each other's business and how we could make it BIG! Unfortunately, we couldn't come up wit a good answer. We just realized the fact that we probably will never be successful, as it's necessary to be greedy, dishonest, wrenched, savvy - basically, a bad person in order to become a successful businessman/woman. As it s...
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February 17th, Thursday

February 17, 2011
We had lot's of laughs today - Shelby told us about "Mr.Ogura's Wig" accident.....ha ha ha....this ONE!
The unsure reaction of the other people in the studio is actually more funny than the falling hair itself! Crystal showed up the second time today in spite of being really busy preparing for her son's music trip to Hawaii, and "stuff like that". Gracie rhapsodized about her trip to Kinosaki with the "KaniKani Express", enjoying lot's of crabs raw, boiled, grilled (?) etc, not forgetting to d...
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February 15th, Tuesday

February 15, 2011
Well, crowd, that was some reeeeeally nice snow yesterday - I've got a picture right here which is way nicer than the one from my previous post - check it out:

Talking about the beautiful snow, later about skiing with me were Madison, Bill, Alicia and Emily. That is really all we talked about, nothing else! Well, I guess we won't see that kind of snow we could enjoy here yesterday for another ten years or so....It's easy to travel to places which can provide guaranteed snow, but it makes me ha...
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February 12th, Saturday

February 12, 2011
It was really nice snow in Kobe yesterday, I enjoyed it a lot, but it seems other areas were more rainy than snowy.
This is a picture of my little garden at around 7:15 in the morning when it had just started snowing seriously. As it snowed until about 11 o'clock that day, I suppose at a later time it would have been more charming. Unfortunately, I couldn't be at home then:

Talking about "this & that" with me on this Saturday were Miranda who brought in the story about the first assignmen...
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February 10th, Thursday - A New Face! -

February 10, 2011
Hello community and a heartfelt welcome from the "Master & his Bunch" - To Isabella! 
Another excellent, eager English speaker joined us today. I'm sure she had a good time with us! Isabella is lowering the average age of the Cafe members a little.......I'm not going to say anymore!

Welcoming her were Kelsey, Sabrina and Brittany. Kelsey spent a cold night recently - the plug of her "hot blanket" had popped out (what a wild sleeper she must be!!). Also, her name today was the same one  with a h...
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February 8th, Tuesday ("8" is my favourite number!)

February 8, 2011
The place was empty today - only 5 faces! Just kidding, 5 is a nice number, and this number consisted of Bill (!), Monica, Ashley, Emma and Gracie - We had a nice time with a friendly group in a cozy place!

The following topics were talked about & discussed: A man in Belgium who ran a FULL MARATHON (42, 195 Km) for every day of the year (ending up in the Guinness Book of Records), Japanese Kabuki actor Kenzaburo Nakamura having problems with his ears (ringing in them), and about the mess going...
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February 5th, Saturday

February 5, 2011
There are special days, others again are ordinary. I believe however that there must be something "a little different" about each single day of the year. So, today, the 5th of February, with Crystal, Mariah and Monica surrounding me, we talked about TODAY:

Other BIG topics: Some really bad guy stole the front, left tire (wheel) from Crystal's beautiful hybrid car, scratching it really badly in the process. Apparently, he was clumsy with the car-jack......stupid low-life! Because of this, Cryst...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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