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'Cisco Number 5! Of course, by 32co!

February 3, 2011

One of the most exciting times was when we visited “Alamo Square”. (A) Fans of “Full House”, including many Japanese, are longing to visit there. And the photo taken in this square shows seven Victorian houses painted colorfully against the background of the city's high buildings.

(This is a famous one as a post card) This one is like a famous postcard: I’m sure someone has seen it. Anyway, it was so excited for us to go up the steep hill of Alamo Sq. Arriving there, we could see the row of seven Victorian houses across from this square, and we were very happy. At last, we did it!!

Blue : Replaced or not needed
Red : Corrected

(Check out the second part - NO RED at all! Good job! - Ok, one small one, not important at all!)

Great contribution!

The "Master"

February 3rd, Thursday - "Get Out Ogre! Come in Happiness"

February 3, 2011
Happy "Setsubun" - it doesn't  happen all too often that special days fall exactly on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays, but today it did, so we studied about this Japanese custom all in English:

So, now you all know everything you needed to know about this unique custom here in Japan! 

We didn't eat beans, but instead indulged in this nice looking plate full of sweet things. The red & white  box is a prezzie brought in by Lindsey - you can all check what's inside next Saturday and the following...
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February 1st, Tuesday

February 1, 2011
Unbelievable - first, the blog counter hit the 10.000 mark while I was sleeping! Now, who was the lucky visitor? Second, compared to January's "sad" closing (just one lady here), the start for this month looks promising: 7 (in words: Seven) eager English speakers showed up today! What's more, a gentleman by the name of Charlie visited after a very long break, we're happy to have you back! This also means that - wow - today we could count two "boys" here on the same day!
Gary, Bill, Abigail, Cr...
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January 29th, Saturday

January 29, 2011
Hey, where were you all?
Nothing to report, as it was just "Kasai-Katie" and me! We had lot's of personal talks, all secret, ha ha ha!

Well, we studied this - 

And got fat, fatter, fattest with this - 

Okay, Saturday night - it's time to rock and roll!

Have a great weekend

The "Master"

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January 28, 2011
The "Piano Mystery" is solved - 


See you tomorrow!

The "Master"

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January 27th, Thursday (I think......)

January 27, 2011
4 faces showed up today: Brittney, Gracie, Laura, Jamie and the "Master". Wait, that makes 5, doesn't it?
Laura, Jamie and me got so excited about the football match on Tuesday between Japan and Korea that Gracie and Brittney started regretting a little bit that they had chosen "sleep" over "support Japan", in other words, having missed the game in favour of their bed/futon.

Gracie brought in a really strange story about a lonely piano sitting on top of a sandbank in the middle of the ocean. Yo...
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January 25th, TUESDAY!!

January 25, 2011
....and because it's officially payday in Japan today, we studied this one. And I mean, we really studied, since this one is a hard one:

(The dialogue under the picture reads: "I used to live payday to payday, now I live payday to three days till payday")

Our sweet treat today looked like this, and tasted like.........tasty cookies!:

So, this is how we enjoyed this Tuesday, while our "Ms. Tuesday" was hitting the slopes somewhere - lucky girl!

Emma, Abigail, Gracie, Calvin (!) and me talked about...
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January 22nd, Saturday

January 22, 2011
Is Saturday slowly but surely turning out to be the busiest Cafe day in the week? Well, seems like it: Catherine, Laura, Heather, Kelsey, Madison and Sabrina filled my little room today! Wow, thanks!

Sabrina mentioned Kanpei-san's return to Japan after a two-year "earth-run", which was interrupted by cancer treatment for a while. She respects and likes him now! apparently, she didn't before!
We all learned the expression lowbrow, used for really "ミーハー" people!  Madison had this story ab...
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January 20th, Thursday

January 20, 2011
Hi, girls!
Lindsey was fine, although a little bit maybe tired & relieved at the same time, as she had her 84-year old and extremely 元気 mother staying with her for 6 long days!
Emily brought in a brand-new electronic dictionary, bought just 30 minutes ago (well, not 30 minutes anymore!). She did lot's of research before buying and pulled off a great deal! 
Sabrina told us a touching story. However, as it was a little too difficult for her (don't forget - she is our newest!), all  in Japanese...

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January 18th, Tuesday

January 18, 2011
Well, this is going to be really short - I'm incredibly busy!
Thanks for coming Mikayla, Amy, Monica, Brooklyn and......yes....and Berret! A guy! Welcome! 
All "my girls" treated him nicely, I hope, he'll come again! Although I've got a feeling that......

All cookies were eaten, so there's no picture, but you can check out today's "paper":

Thanks, good night!

The "Master"  (Oh yes, my e-mail should be working properly again! Start commenting like hell!)

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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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