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January 15th, Saturday

January 15, 2011
Well, according to last night's weather report, all of Japan would be suffering from a heavy snowstorm today......can anybody feel anything even a little close to such circumstances? 

I'm in a little bit in a hurry today....this blog will be short! 
Today saw Monica, Brittney and Sabrina (my son's homeroom teacher's name!). I hoped Monica would bring in a picture today of her son's "coming-of-age-day" taken together with his "ghost roommate", but she was advised by her friends NOT to keep a "心霊写真" for long, and also NOT to show it around (making fun of the "ghost"), so she decided to delete it....what a pity!
Brittney apparently ate too much over the holidays & had gained some weight! So she thought something had to be done about that a came all the way from Higashi-Kakogawa by bicycle - it took her about 25 minutes! Good job, keep it up!
Sabrina told us a tasty story about fresh oysters bought in Akko. She prepared them later in foil in a saucepan (but DIDN'T invite any Cafe member to join......).

Gotta go - check out today's riddles. People who need to see the cake, check Thursday's blog!

(When trying to solve riddles, one shouldn't cheat by using a dictionary, Sabrina!)

Have a good weekend,

The "Master"

January 13th, Thursday (luckily, NOT Friday!)

January 13, 2011
Thank you for coming, "mini-crowd", Lindsey & Brittney! 
We talked about the weather - not only in Japan, but especially about the extreme flooding in Australia.....they MUST find a way to keep all that water for harder, draught times Down Under is usually associated with!  Also a lot of (nice, I think!) snow in Japan this year! Great news for lovers of the "white splendour", and skiing population! Our conversation for some reason drifted to the topic of car license plates, particularly in Jap...
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San Francisco その4 - by 32co!

January 11, 2011

The place I was most disappointed with was Fisherman’s Wharf. Although Clam Chowder was nice, there are many shops and restaurants and it just looked like a typical Japanese tourist attraction. 

The other reason I was disappointed is that I could not see the sea lions which were expected to be seen at the pier. (The Guidebook says that we can see the sea lions there: Nine hundred in winter!)

To bad for the sea lions - I guess the animals had a mind of their own! 
Words in this colour I added, ...
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January 11, Tuesday (2011.1.11-MUST BE a good day!)

January 11, 2011
I could welcome a mini-crowd of three girls on the last day of the "new-year round". New Year Round means all three Cafe days have passed once now in 2011 - so from Thursday, no more "Oshogatsu stuff" on the menu!
Having said that, Heather, Cassandra, Britanny and me didn't really talk about the subject of the new year. On the agenda were, in a totally higgledy-piggledy manner, a story about dinner show in a hotel (which celebrity could fill the hall AND make money at the same time!), yet anot...

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January 8th, Saturday

January 8, 2011
Already the second Cafe for the new year - watch out, this one will pass by in no time, like all the previous years did!
Before you know it, you'll be saying "あつ〜いな〜” Time flies, a fact we are all too aware of.......

The 8th of January was a busy day. Although our "Saturday country girl" was missing, I could still count 5 happy noses:
Katie, Amy, Elisabeth, Heather and Kelsey! Still being a little bit in "Oshogatsu-mode", I asked each one of the crowd how they had spent their holid...
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January 6th, Thursday - "Twothousandeleven"

January 6, 2011
Happy new year to the world! 

 Let's start this one with a little prayer:

"Praying" with me today were Kiara from Ireland, Jamie from Spain, and Crystal from some Latin place (actually, we weren't really concerned about names today). 
Everybody seemed to have enjoyed the "Oshogatsu"-days, some with, others without family (the "peaceful way").

Naturally, we discussed a little about new year's resolutions, where Jamie had the best one: Enjoy at least one thing every single day, and also do some kin...
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December 28th, Tuesday - Last day, last posting (?)

December 28, 2010
What an amazing way to finish of the "Cafe-year 2010" - 7 girls joined in today to see the tiger off! Wow! Thanks so much for coming!  
Being the last day for this very short, fast year, we studied using "New Year Resolutions", you know, those funny promises to yourself which are impossible to keep! 

As it is a well-known fact that (as mentioned above) resolutions are impossible to keep, here is an alternative list of examples which should be quite easy to do so:

10. Read less. 

9. I want to gai...

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San Francisco "The Third" - by thirty-two See-Oh!

December 27, 2010
Look at this road sign and the (a) winding road named “Lombard St.”. (They are) It's like this because of the steep slopes. Imagine the steepest slope in (at) Kitano-Cho. 

 Not all
, but many slopes of San Francisco are like that and run for more than some blocks. It was so tough to walk.

Please look forward to the next mini-episode!

Copied, pasted & corrected by the "Master"
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December 25th, Saturday - First day of Christmas -

December 25, 2010
Yes, I wore the red hat today - with me were Kelsey from Scandinavia, Emma from Germany and
Alicia from England. And they were three lucky ladies, I can tell you that! Why? Well, they had the
chance to taste real, home-made German Christmas " Stollen" (シュトーレン). 
Take an envious look!

In the northern part of Germany where I come from we don't say "Stollen", but "Kloeben" (クレーベン)

Kesley told us about her Christmas dinner with her daughter and husband...
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December 21st, Tuesday

December 21, 2010
Hello, people!
I was just about to start typing when I noticed the rear side of my supercomputer being all wet! Help! There's a leak in this "classic" building! Rain is coming into my office!  

 Today's Cafe was the closest Tuesday to Christmas, so I arranged for "Christmas-athmosphere" cake -


Looks really pretty, doesn't it? And it tasted great, too! Of course!

The paper of the day asked the group some very simple questions, nothing special, just daily life things - check it out:

Ashley told u...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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