San Francisco!! We have wanted to go there for a long time. Everyone knows that many movies were shot in San Francisco. We, especially my daughter used to be a huge fan of “Full House”. Dose anybody know this heart-warming TV drama? We can see some landmarks of San Francisco in this show’s opening scene. That’s why we visited there. Hope you enjoy my photos& report!

(The) Bad weather was expected (while) during our stay(ing), and we almost gave up to see the Golden Gate Bridge. So the first time we (catch) caught (or: Could catch) that Red One between misty rains, we could not help shouting (a little bit) for joy. Fortunately, the weather was almost fine in the daytime of the other days, and we could see it again.


-End of part 1- 

 (Words in green are 32co's originals, either a little incorrect or not necessary, words in blue are suggestions.)