Emma, Jamie and Alexandria visited the Cafe today.....and.......yes, we continued our "ghost stories"!
Now, read this (I mentioned before that Jamie's son is psychic, seeing "things"....):
One night, he was lying in bed, trying to sleep. Suddenly, his compo turns itself on! He got up and switched it off, just to see the same thing repeating itself! Next, he decided to pull the plug (at this stage he was sure "somebody" was with him in his room, although he couldn't see "anybody" - yet!). Next, the TV turned itself on! Then he saw the 座敷童 (a "good houseghost") on his ceiling! At this stage, we could turn off the air conditioner at the Cafe! さむ〜い!

We did some funny English today - I think the comments are the best!:

And we enjoyed choco chip cake, with a generous amount of chocolate chips inside - yummy!:


Okay, gotta go and play the guitar!

Have a great weekend!

The "Master"