Finally it's raining! Yes, my garden was really waiting for this day (sorry, Lindsey!). She doesn't like the rain, but all the others - Emily, Ashley, Shannon & me appreciated the downpour for various reasons. 

Today's main subject we talked about were the numerous differences between American and British English, and Shannon (at least I think that's the right name) gave us all a very interesting example of two passages explaining exactly the same topic using totally different phrasing, expressions, and vocabulary. Lindsey told us about a radio programme ("program" in American!) in which they talked about "Japanese English" used to explain car parts.
Finally, I mentioned that after so long in Japan, I'm often not sure if the English I'm using is ACTUALLY English, or 和製英語, really confusing!!

Today's "real" English phrase we studied was the following one:

And our sweet of the day was a "first-timer" (as far as I can remember!), Pumpkin Mousse:

It was as tasty as it looks!!

Have a nice Sunday (tomorrow should be a fine day!)

The "Master"