After quite a while, Jamie, Catherine, Amy and Kiara (and me, of course!) were able to say:


Yes, we could say "hello" to a new face today! She is one of the "younger ones", a single (?) lady from Akashi -
welcome to the crazy bunch! We hope you'll enjoy your time with us!

We ate a refreshing berry mousse, looking like this:

A feeling of relieve showed among our people as finally autumn's footsteps can be heard in the mornings and evenings - the temperature is so comfortable that Jamie even took a walk around her favourite pond............which one was it again?
Oh yes, of course: Terada Pond!
Besides that, we had the "usual" questions" to for the newcomer, but I'm sure we'll have more next time!

For the first time at the Cafe we studied "Random thoughts":


Amy was telling us about an art exhibition she is planning to hold with some friends (and her new husband!), Kiara about how she is getting rid of some of her dolls she made over the years (and feeling really bad doing so), and Catherine was asking the group for advice on how to study English effectively. Of course, we all had plenty of good ideas for her!

Good Night!

The "Master"