Today's main topics were "First Ladies", and what they do and what they shouldn't do! 
We learned today that Mr. Hatoyama's wife is actually an alien, her favourite food is the moon, and that she, of course,
can talk to other aliens (of course, in Japanese!!). Well, I hope these matters are not raised at the next G8 summit!

Other interesting discussions today were the differences of how we (We = Westerners & Japanese) look at the treatment of animals. This topic was triggered off by the lady sitting next to me (Amy?) when she told today's group of 7 + me (wow!) about a programme on TV which reported about rent-a-motorbike (perfectly normal), share-a-bicycle (great idea!), and rent-a-dog (totally crazy & unacceptable!). You can see, our day was enriched!

But of course, this wouldn't have been possible without this:

Blueberry Mousse

And the day wouldn't have been complete without the usual "hard work"!:

Thank you for coming Amy, Kiara, Miranda, Isabelle, Chelsea, Michaela and Lindsey - you are on the right track!

The "Master"