....and after musing a little about which option to choose, I eventually did switch on the air conditioner. The weather has been very nice to us lately, and we were even spoiled with some long awaited rain last night - I can hear all the trees and flowers in my garden cheering! Alicia was really fortunate: She had just planted onion and carrot seeds yesterday, and as all we "green-fingered" people of course know, a good load of rain couldn't come at a better time! 

Let me at this point introduce today's "green-fingers": Emma (from Germany), Alicia (from England), and Emily (she didn't mention where she was from, but some Latin place).

We talked about cultural differences: I kicked off the topic mentioning that Japan, having quite an image of being very narrow (minded), much bound to rules, traditions and customs, just might be the easier place to live freely ("freely" meaning: Do what you want) than Germany, a country also stuck in a lot of strange bureaucracy, if you DO ignore all these rules etc. 
What does our "cafe community" think about this?

We studied "Random thoughts" again, and tried to think of similar actions we take without ever having being told to do so, like the kids in the second passage (but couldn't really find any):

(That is NOT me, playing Mario Cart 64 there when I was younger!)

We enjoyed a delicious marble cake, and went our separate ways..............

Thanks for coming & have a great weekend!

The "Master"