What a great start for the new month - the place was crowded with English-loving (?) ladies!
Eight eager "customers" filled the place today with smiles & laughter - Katie brought her friend Brittney, also from England.
A warm welcome to her - but unfortunately Brittney lives in Himeji (doesn't sound very English, I know!), so I'm not sure if we will see her again.......sniff....sniff.....
Other ladies were Emma (from Germany, just like me!), Kiara from Ireland, Cassandra from Greece, Abigail & Mariah both with Hebrew origin, and Jade, who kindly pointed out a spelling mistake in a previous blog, thanks for your "Spanish kindness"!
And you know what we talked about today? Me! Yes, me. Mainly me. People were eagerly listening to my account of my life as a "strange German" who has lived in Japan for just a little too long! I hope it was interesting & educational (and not too difficult) for the group today.
Our study piece of paper in turn was short, easy, and the contents taught about cultural differences & customs:

And to show just HOW international we are, our dessert was Panna Cotta (Italian?):

Thanks again for coming & spread the word around!

The "Master"