The Cafe was CROWDED!  Well, not really, but we had five people here today, which for recent times can be considered a "crowd". This is basically thanks to Miranda (aka Ms. Thursday), who kindly (or eagerly?) showed up today knowing that next Thursday is a public holiday, and there will be NO CAFE - please take note.
Joining her were Jamie, Kelsley, Christina and Heather.

Recently, it's very difficult to summarize the day's chat as there's a trend to switch between lots of short topics almost every minute or so - for my 42-year old brain obviously impossible to remember.....gotta think hard........
Both Kelsey and Christina received some presents from their children / grandchildren last Monday as it was 敬老の日(respect for the aged day?), and they were not sure if they should be happy about that....understandably, both of them had mixed feelings.
Apparently, the official 高齢-age in Japan is 65! That's much too early, don't you think? 
From there we talked (or rather: I complained!) about the new Guinness-Book records as it seems like every stupid person can so something really dumb and so be entered into the book of records - sad, as the original concept was a lot more mature and educating, but please read on..... 

Today, we enjoyed ourselves with some "funny English", where in Japan one can find a very generous variety of:

On the menu on this Tuesday were yummy "honey cookies" -


What a hot summer day we had today!

See you,

the "Master"