"Saturday" is not feeling well, "Saturday" is lonely, something is wrong with "Saturday"................
 3 weeks in a row only one nose decided to visit the Cafe.....sniff sniff.....


The moment I turned off the fan, Monica walked in and saved my life! Of course, at that time she wasn't Monica yet, as names are decided at a later stage, but you all know that, don't you?

As Monica was also the only one who could manage to check out the German School Oktoberfest (the BEER festival!!), our two main topics for the day were the event, and Rokko Island, where our school is located on.

As recent Saturdays showed a tendency towards being "ghosthunter's meetings", I prepared our study material in accordance with the latest trend, but unfortunately, no other "psychics" showed up today - anyway, this is it:

And our delicious cake for this Saturday went by the name "PineappleĀ² cake" - What a strange name, it is indeed!
After a little musing, Monica understood the hidden meaning of it, and enjoyed it:


As it is close to impossible to judge from the picture, I will lift the secret: Yes, it is a "Pineapple AND apple cake"!

Well, I REALLY hope (and need) to see more of you soon!
The "Master" - Thanks thanks thanks thanks Monica