Well, ladies, time really does fly, doesn't it? Only one more Cafe to go in September, and then it's just three more month until we go "hop hop" into the next year ~ 

If you were born in the year of the rabbit, then this is YOU:

Rabbit (usagi)

Born 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927, 1915. People born in the year of the Rabbit are the most fortunate. They are smooth talkers, talented, ambitious, virtuous and reserved. They have exceedingly fine taste and regarded with admiration and trust.

This Tuesday was well visited - Brooklyn, Laura, Madison & Heather spoiled me with their company. On the agenda were two very serious topics, first, the territorial dispute between China & Japan, where this country took the embarrassing move of caving in. Brooklyn seemed really disappointed in her own country, going so far as to not wanting to even to talk or hear about China. Another student I saw earlier this morning felt that by releasing the captain, Japan was indirectly acknowledging those islands in question are belonging to China. In my eyes the government's actions were just reflecting the typical Japanese way of trying to avoid trouble and hassle, working hard for a smooth outcome of problems. This is what the average person here does on a daily basis, of course on a much smaller scale. Ages ago I was asked by my アルバイト-boss why I never apologized. I told him it's something I don't do unless I'm in the wrong.

Our second topic today was about "trouble with neighbours"! Again, Brooklyn had the worst experience with nit-picking ones - from noisy (and stupid!) dogs to HER cockroaches moving over to the neighbour's house. Like as if they were wearing a collar with the owner's name and address on! Yeah, sure! Maybe traveling like this?

So, shall I put the picture of today's cake right UNDER this fellow? Yeah sure, why not? He (she?) looks kind of cute, doesn't he (she)?

For the study material, please check out last Saturday's post!

Thanks for coming,

The "Master"