September turned out to be a busy month for our little Cafe - 61 eager, information-hungry "boys & girls" visited in total!
This actually is a new record in the history of the Cafe.
To commemorate the last day of the busiest month so far, our "cake lady" brought something really special, a sweet of the kind the Cafe has never seen before, check it out:


I was told it is called "Shibukawa Marron". I must admit, on the picture, it does look a little weird!
BUT: Mya, Isabella, Briana, Madison, Hannah and Abigail all seemed to have LOVED it, everybody's
plates were cleared at the drop of a hat!
By the way, Hannah - don't worry, I've found your nameplate! 

Today we talked a little about foreign countries and abroad travel in general, and had some fun watching a certain
mother & daughter "discussing" their family rules! Ha ha ha!

But we also studied:

Thanx all for coming in such big numbers - Madison, it was really nice to see you again!

Hope to see many of your noses in October,

The "Master"