Already day two of September and the heat goes on! In Germany, they started talking about the "golden autumn".............
Well, at least here in Japan we always have something to say in case we run out of topics: あつ〜いですね...!

In this sauna weather Miranda and Christina joined me, and we talked mostly about cars (yes, really!) and navigation systems. Kicking this topic off was Miranda's little "incident" where she came just a little too close to an electric pole and gave it a little kiss. Apparently, her car didn't like that and decided to get damaged, so she ended up with a spare car for about eight days. It turned out that this car was equipped with a nice navi including a rear-view monitor function. As Miranda's regular Sienta (car's name) doesn't have a navi, she enjoyed playing around (and NOT listening to) with the system for some time. Christina's car has got a navi, and her husband uses it quite a lot when going fishing or golfing to far away places.....We also discussed a little if we prefer automatic or manual transmission cars, with me voting for manuals a 100% - they're more fun! 
My Japanese おちゃん-friend who imports cars for a living from Canada always complaints about the dullness of local cars, saying that even monkeys could drive them!!

Something like this, maybe?: 

But I must agree with my friend - I'm confident of driving any Japanese car any day without practice time! All controls and everything is so much the same, all cars are automatics, it's just a question of getting used to the different sizes!

Besides cars, we also talked a lot about TVs, digital & analog, copying movies, "pirating" (ha ha ha) as Christina is the Cafe's specialist in the field.

Long past three o'clock, we trained our brains with some more riddles, in which Christina excelled with flying colours!
Look for yourself:

(Now, please DON'T try to fill in the answers on your computer screens!)

And once again, coffee jelly was the "chef's special" -

Well, I do hope to see some more noses next Thursday!

Thanks for showing up,

The "Master"