Haven't seen such a busy Thursday in a while - I suppose a little "Thank you" to Jade would be appropriate (pulling some strings)?
So it was Jade, Christina (nice to see you again after some time), Miranda (Ms.Powerful), and loyal Chelsea!
Today, we mainly discussed (again) China-Japan relations, and Japan's position on the world's stage in general. For me, it is extremely interesting how (naturally) people of different generations have distinctive views. My "younger" students from my various private lessons couldn't care less, but surprisingly all Cafe ladies share the common view that the Japanese mentality, ways in society and traditions are not adequate on the international stage any more, and all agreed that this country's government is really embarrassingly stupid.......
Oh yes, and we also talked about the census - did you get your sheet?

We studied this:

(Which has seen the Cafe before, but I like it, so here we go again!)

And enjoyed this:

(Which has seen the Cafe before, but I liked it, so here we go again!)

Thanks for coming & have a great weekend!

The "Master"