Today, six nice "young girls", Amy, Kelsey, Miranda, Hannah, Courtney & Chelsea, enjoyed a kind of a "和風"cake which answers to the name "Ama-Natto cake", baked by a person who knows very well that I can't stand 小豆, looking like this (NOT the person, the CAKE!):

I'm glad everybody seemed to have enjoyed it - I didn't even touch mine!

And before going to our "routine study phrase", this one,

we talked a little bit about "Satisfaction" (a documentary was broadcasted last night, I missed it, went to bed at 9:30pm!), I played guitar for about 5 seconds, and our later topic was a movie Miranda went to see, about a pensioner couple robbing a bank and getting away with it! Apparently, the movie was designed the way that the audience would be on the side of the robbers (the "bad guys", really!), and at the end, Miranda even showed some tears (to her husband!).

Don't know the title, but I'm sure interested people can find out!

So, now check out "Satisfaction" - one of the greatest rock songs ever written!

Have a great evening!

The "Master"