Heeee~~~~~~~~yyyyy! Where were you all??? C'mon, it's not THAT hot!
Loyal Tiffany showed up, totally alone, so she could enjoy a very intensive, educational private
Cafe chat! 
We covered various topics: How animals have to suffer due to the human destruction of their habitat: A a bear cub got his head stuck in a jar for about ten days, but people couldn't help it, as its' mother (a BIG bear) didn't leave the site. Eventually, they tranquilized the mother, and they were able to help the little cub. You might think:"Oh, nice humans", but think again, without humans, no jars! 
Another story was about the monkey coming down from the mountains to find food near to where humans live, hurting residents and therefore being hunted down. Think why the monkey couldn't find the necessary food in the forest......
More details on the little bear cub here. Look at this picture, too:

From there (trying to "lighten" the subject) we talked about public toilets one has to pay for in Germany, public toilets in general (why are Japanese male toilets so OOOOOPEN, I ask!), clean and less clean public conveniences.
Oh yes, we also discussed how we feel about paying for drinking water, in other words, why have people stopped consuming totally clean and safe tab water, replacing it with over-priced bottled "mineral" water?

A typical, VERY PUBLIC Japanese male toilet looks like this:



Our study phrase, a slang, after a while:

And our cake, also after quite a while, as puddings, jellies and other cold stuff have been running the show lately:


(No, of course you didn't get the whole!)

Have a great weekend!

The "Master"