Tuesday's Cafe is my favourite Cafe, next to Thursday's and Saturday's! I guess that means that I like them all!

 As Taifun no.7 (correct?) has made last night and this morning a little more comfortable to sleep, our chat began (as usual) with talking about the weather. People say, and they are probably right, that the Seishin New-Town area is about 2~3 degrees lower, than.... Than where?  Central Osaka? Uo-No-Tana? Any ideas? The crux is, WHERE are these people comparing to? But as I said, they're probably right, as this morning my bedroom, all windows open, NO fan, was actually a little cold! True!

Brittany had a shocking story about some place in Africa where a female monk declared two little children, a boy and a girl, a wizard and a witch, on the grounds that they must be possessed as they were crying in the night. They were tortured accordingly and later dumped and left to die. Apparently, the parents agreed, and the practice was even blessed with government backing!  More on the subject can be read here.
Today during the Cafe chat my opinion was that different countries have different values, traditions & customs, and that the West should NOT stick its' nose into foreign business, but after I did some reading I understood that those practices are indeed criminal & done for business, so the West should try to stop it with all its' powers. Of course, I don't mean bombs and soldiers!

For today's study material please refer to last Saturday. Our sweet was something different - check it out, Tea Mousse!

Thanks for coming Christina, Brittany & Crystal

The "Master"