And then, there were only two left (of these):

This dessert goes by the name of "Cafe au lait Jelly", Cafe of course meaning coffee, au meaning with, and lait being milk in the French language, bien?

And how many lucky people could enjoy this? Let's see......Eddie, a gentleman from, wait....actually a lady from England keen on studying male names (I wonder why!), Lindsey also from the "island", Christina from Greece, Crystal from Italy (one can tell from the Latin name), Elisabeth, a lady with a Hebrew name, and finally, our two "newcomers" Amy and her daughter, Emily! They both have Latin roots, but now live in Kasai, which is where they came from. 
A hearty welcome to both of you & thank you so much for travelling so far! I'm glad you had a good time, and of course hope you will "beat the distance" and that we will see you again soon! 

Amy looked sooooooo young! WOW!

Mainly we asked each other a lot of questions about various things, which is a natural thing to happen when we welcome somebody new to join our relaxing English Cafe Chat!

Our highly useful phrase today was this (although life would be really nice if we didn't need to use it too often!!):

So, is anybody planning to go anywhere in the near future? 

I can't, because the above picture is actually me (just kidding, of course!)

So, Koshien at the moment doesn't look too good (now 19:11), but I still
wish you all a pleasant rest of the evening!

The "Master"