Finally it seems like, very slowly, autumn is approaching. Temperature still high, the breeze is a little dry and refreshing.
On this day, three ladies showed up, and joined in for banana cake, tea & coffee:

(There's no picture of the tea & coffee -please use your imagination!)

Today's topics were extremely "mature, adult topics": We talked about the crazy American priest who is planning to burn the Koran in commemoration of the  9/11 terror attacks, a little about last Tuesday's discussion about the little African children being marked as witches & wizards, the Islamic mosque and culture centre which might be built very close to ground zero, and finally about the hot topic in Germany about Thilo Sarrazin (my namesake), his book and his views (which I totally agree with) about the foreigners in Germany........hmmm, heavy!

We studied "An Ad":

and went home!


The "Master"