We visited (an)other places China Town, Coit Tower, some churches, Union Sq., and some supermarkets& a big shopping center, etc.

Of course, we had some problems there as usual. San Francisco is well organized and planned with street names, however we were lost, and took a wrong bus or a train. We were stuck at the ticket gate. Luckily, every time someone helped us. The biggest problem was our hotel’s overbooking. Wow!! But, our room was upgraded for two nights. Our trouble turned out to be good luck!! 

About another thing    I saw, heard, and felt: What I was surprised is every car stopped for us at the crosswalk without a signal. What I was shocked at is there were many people who were begging for money on the street. I saw many foreign tourists and heard Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian in the town. 

And, a lot of houses seemed to be vacant. Many of them had a sign of “For Sale” or “For Rent”. Somebody!! Please get one of them for us, and we can go there whenever we want to.


Thank you so much for reading my (  ?  )!!   


Ok, folks, that's all for our San Francisco report by our foreign correspondent, 32co!  Thanks so much for your contribution! 

By the way, cars stopping at crossroads without signals is very normal in Europe, too! It's one of the rules of the road: When a pedestrian is intending to cross, cars MUST stop (they're not kind, they're just obeying the rules). And (here lies the problem!), I understand in Japan it's the same, cars MUST stop. Why does NOBODY in this country obeys this law?

Ok, I'm writing too much! After all, this is NOT my posting!

See you!

The "Master" (& 32co)