- This Cafe has closed -


Tuesday 26th - The very last cafe day!

July 27, 2011

Thank you all very much for your loyal support, friendship, smiles, jokes, "sashi-ires", and last but not least - hard work and eager talking over the years! 
I'm sorry that I have to go - but I just have to go! 

The "Master" (who quit his job!)

Summary for the 21st & 23rd!

July 23, 2011
NO! I'm not lazy. I'm BUSY! And I know that you understand......
Members for the last two day were as follows -
Shelby, Kelsey, Cassandra, Brooklyn, Michaela, Isabella, Brittany,Samantha, Ashley, Valentino, Kelly, Christina, Jade, Monica, Emma and Alicia! 
Everybody was fine except of course the "usual" exhaustion from the heat and gardening, or hobby-farming! 
On Thursday we tried to figure out the these riddles:


(Sorry, lost the picture of the "Nose"!)

And today we suffered, trying to find the a...
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July 16th, Saturday & 19th, Tuesday

July 19, 2011
I am getting busy as you might be able to tell from my recent postings (or rather NO postings!), so this is 
 a combined one, a "コラボ"!!
On Saturday, Jack, Jade, Jamie, Angela, Ian, Emily, Heather and Miranda showed up! That's a BIG WOW - FULL HOUSE!
And my excuse for NOT blogging on this day? He he he - HERE:

Because we had the first ever "Cafe Nijikai" in downtown Akashi - I had a great time! Thank you sooo much for organizing this unforgettable event!
Our study paper for this day looked l...
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July 14th, Thursday

July 14, 2011
Ladies & Gentlemen (although today it was "ladies only"), time flies! And who were those ladies spending this precious, little left time with me at this world famous Cafe? 
First, there was Brittany, who said she was worn out by attending to her "hobby farm". Then there was Sabrina, who was fine, and she had the big news about having met me (by chance, of course!) near my house. According to her, it was bad timing as she had just finished work and was worried about looking exhausted - Sabrina,...
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July 11th, Tuesday

July 12, 2011
Hello, people!
Amy's friend is fighting with wild boars in Sasayama, which enjoy messing up the rice paddy! But Amy was fine!
Erica was also "fighting"- but not with wild boars, with FISH! Her husband came back from a very successful fishing trip, bringing with him about 20 fish and another 10 squids! As it was her job cleaning & preparing the catch, Erica was tired today.
Heather is the one with the very healthy lifestyle - she has been following her routine of taking a morning walk for the las...
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July 9th, Saturday

July 9, 2011
Hello, Ladies & Gentlemen!
It's late, I just finished a very important meeting (true!!), and I'm a little too tired to write long stories today....
But I want to thank Brooklyn, Emma, Hannah, Courtney, Michaela and Mike for coming in today!

Today's paper:

We had a nice time with delicious coffee jelly & many happy faces!

Good Night,

The "Master"

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July 7th, Thursday

July 7, 2011
Today was my 14th wedding anniversary, and on a day like this it was really nice to see so many faces here:
Kiara was fine, Catherine, too, and she told us the funny story about the stupid American who actually thought she could smuggle her husband out of prison inside a suitcase! Tiffany felt okay, and she said that an angle had smiled at her - maybe this one?

Lindsey was a little exhausted having just come back from her first-ever visit to Hokkaido where she noticed signs at public baths in E...
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July 5th, Tuesday

July 5, 2011
The "Master" really, really appreciates so many noses showing up on every single Cafe day after his coming out, and also everybody's understanding of the situation. 
Kelly was fine, and she told everyone about a dream she had some weeks ago about the Cafe being closed for renovation of the building, and a note on the door informing visitors that the "Master" was doing a "Sozai" shop in the neighborhood! Well, it turns out the Cafe WILL close, and the "Master" WILL start another job, although m...
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July 2nd, Saturday

July 2, 2011
WOW! 7 (in words "seven") nice people showed up today - Daniel, Crystal, Alicia,May, Jade, Kelsey and Miranda!
I' m glad to be able to "report" that everyone was fine!
Kelsey brought in a story about "Mizutorizousan"- a device to absorb the moisture from the air and other places during the hot & humid summer month. It contains a powder ( a chemical) which, when absorbing the water, itself becomes liquid. Kelsey was told by a friend not to dispose of this, as it was useful to kill off the weed i...
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June 30th - Thursday

June 30, 2011
A little tired Madison and Breanna, and a kicking Courtney chatted with me about, well, me, and the sad death of the unique Detective Colombo actor who was over 80 and suffering from Alzheimer. Breanna mentioned that that TV show was the only show her whole family could enjoy together, so she has some nice memories which again made her feel sad although she didn't know him personally.
And why was Madison a little tired? Well, she and Breanna spent almost the whole day together (from around 9:3...
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SilberBahn/SilberCafe 挨拶

Tilo Z SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> はドイツ語、 SilverTrain<シルバートレイン>は英語、 日本語で<銀色の列車>を 意味するこの言葉には「乗ると 楽しい所に向かっていける」という 願いを込めました。 それはある日、私のところに 「ドイツ語を教えてほしい」と 女性が一人たずねてきたところ から始まりました。 2000年1月に語学学校として スタート、現在は翻訳通訳や海外 との商品取引の仲介等語学サービス 全般に関わる業務を行っております.。 SilberBahn<ズィルバーバーン> の詳しい情報は下の青いリンクをクリック して下さい。



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